
We encourage our students to take pride in their appearance and expect all our students to wear full uniform throughout the school day, including on the way to and from school. We ask that parents support us in enforcing the uniform guidelines.

Uniform supplier

The Cromer Academy uniform supplier is Stevensons. Uniform can be bought all year round via its website, by phone on 01603 622355, or at its store at 67 Ber Street, Norwich. 

Visit the Stevensons website here

View Price List hereFor more information about ordering from Stevensons please download the leaflet at the foot of this page.

Branded and optional uniform items are listed below. Branded items can be purchased from our supplier.  All other uniform items can be purchased from any high street supplier.


  • Plain grey/black ankle socks or opaque black/natural tights
  • Charcoal grey academy trousers or pleated academy skirt
  • Tailored grey shorts are an acceptable alternative to trousers or skirts 
  • White plain cotton long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirt
  • Navy blue academy jumper with pale blue stripe at neck (optional)-Branded Item
  • Charcoal grey academy blazer with logo on breast pocket. This must be worn at all times around the school, except at the teacher's discretion in the classroom- Branded Item.
  • Blue striped academy tie- Branded Item
  • Coats of a traditional style and hats/scarves can be worn to and from school
  • House badge that is provided to each pupil (Blogg, Davies, Sadler, Shipp)
  • Black formal leather or leather-look shoes with a low heel (no logos) - no plimsolls or trainers 

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On the days when a pupil has a PE lesson they are required to bring their full Cromer Academy PE kit. 

PE kit

  • Navy academy sports polo shirt with academy logo- Branded Item
  • Plain navy sports socks or white sports socks. 
  • Plain navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms or navy/black leggings
  • In cold weather a navy half zip outer layer can be worn or a plain navy base layer or ‘skins’ is permitted to be worn underneath the polo shirt or trousers/leggings.
  • Team shirts will be provided for sports fixtures

It is strongly recommended that all items of PE kit are clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

Pupils are also required to bring suitable footwear. Sports trainers must provide effective grip, support and reasonable protection for both indoor and outdoor sporting activities. Pupils who take part in extracurricular football or rugby squads will need to have boots, appropriate for the surface and conditions. 

We strongly advise the use of gum shields and shin pads in hockey, gum shields for rugby and shin pads for football. It is the responsibility of a parent to provide their child with protective equipment that is fit for purpose. If required, pupils are able to purchase shin pads and gum shields from Student Services.

Please note: It is strongly recommended that all items are clearly marked with the pupil's name and form.


Permitted jewellery:

  • Medical-aware or religious necklaces and bracelets
  • Badges and awards given by the school
  • Wristwatch

One pair of small stud earrings only. No other forms of body or facial piercing are permitted (an Elastoplast over a piercing is NOT acceptable). 

Should items of jewellery be brought to school that are not permitted, the student should expect the item to be confiscated and returned at the end of the day from the rep (referral point).


Hair must be neat and of a natural colour and conventional style (no shaved lines or shapes). We would strongly suggest that parents discuss hairstyles and colours with the school beforehand if they are in any doubt as to whether they might be considered extreme. This will avoid potential issues.

In some subjects, students will be required to tie back long hair for safety reasons. Students should bring to school something for this purpose. 


If worn, make-up should be minimal and discreet. Nail varnish or false nails should not be worn. 

Pupils are not allowed to wear henna.  If a pupil wishes to wear henna for a religious or cultural celebration, please contact the school. 

If a student does not adhere to these rules, parents will be contacted by letter and/or by phone. The Principal's decision on appropriate uniform is final.

More information for ordering from Stevensons

Uniform Policy