Eco School

What is Eco-Schools?

Eco-Schools is a charity passionate about engaging young people in environmental education and action. They do this by providing a simple, seven-step framework that guides, empowers and motivates pupils to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their school, local community and beyond.

After completing the seven-step process, schools can then apply for Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation, which recognises, rewards and celebrates the environmental achievements of young people.

We were able to achieve this at the start of 2022 with a Distinction in our Green Flag status. Read more about the steps we took to achieve this in our news, here.

Throughout the academic year 2022/23 we have continued our hard work and have again managed to achieve a Distinction in our Green Flag Status, below are some comments we received from Eco-Schools with the news of our continued Distinction status.

You have formed a large Eco-Committee this year, supported by 3 adult members of staff, and you have held an impressive number of meetings. This demonstrates a whole-school approach to the Eco-Schools programme and a commitment to environmental education and pupil-led eco-action. It’s great to read that you gave roles to different Committee members and that this has helped boost their self-esteem and sense of responsibility. 

The real highlights for our team were plans for the Green Eco Ticket reward scheme to encourage more eco-action, the creation of quiet spaces around your school site and your ambitious biodiversity projects! It’s clear that you have embedded environmental issues into your curriculum with great enthusiasm and that these issues are being used to enrich learning in your school and engage young people in climate change awareness.

We love that as a school you are also using the power of social media to share your good work with the wider community. Your ability and willingness to partner with outside organisations, such as Utility Aid and the local council, is impressive! We’ll all need to adopt this approach to fight the impacts of climate change in the future.

Everyone on the Eco-Committee has worked really hard this year and produced real and tangible results, keep up the fantastic work. We can’t wait to see what you’ll do next! 

Eco-Committee Plan 2024-25




Schools for nature Certificate English