
We have high expectations of student behaviour and we're proud of our friendly and supportive school environment. We also believe in rewarding behaviour and effort that goes above and beyond that which we expect from Cromer Academy students. 


The Rewards System

Every opportunity is taken to praise pupils for excellent effort, achievement and behaviour. Everybody feels motivated by encouragement and praise. Pupils who work hard and behave well can expect to receive:


Reward Process

Praise from staff

Verbal or written acknowledgement of good work, effort or behaviour. pupil postcards, stickers, phone calls home and Golden Tickets.

House Points

House Point

Pupils will be rewarded with either verbal praise or by the awarding of merits, which are linked to one of the 5 school values.  

  • Monitoring of accumulation to be done by Form Tutor & Head of Year via Bromcom Administrator

  • Behaviour Coordinator to monitor pupils House Points and organise awards

  • Accumulation of House Points will lead to the following awards:

  • 150 = Bronze Blazer Lapel Badge, Certificate & Letter Home (presented in Year Group Assembly)

  • 200 = Silver Blazer Lapel Badge, Certificate & Letter Home (presented in Year Group Assembly)

  • 350 = Gold Blazer Lapel Badge, Certificate & Letter Home  (presented in Year Group Assembly)

  • 500= Platinum Lapel Badge, Certificate & Letter Home  (presented in Year Group Assembly)

This is the cumulative totals of merits and demerits.

Merit Awards

  • At the end of each term the form group across all year groups with the highest number of House Points will receive the Termly House Point Cup.



  • At the end of each term the form group across all year groups with the highest number of 100% attendees will receive the Termly Attendance Cup. 

House competitions

Pupils will have the opportunity every half term to participate in House competitions.  

Golden ticket

Pupils demonstrating exceptional work or values can be awarded with a Golden Ticket which is equivalent to 5 merits.


Trips - Code of Conduct

School trips and visits increase pupils’ experiences and cultural capital, affording them opportunities to visit new places and try new activities that they would possibly not normally have access to. These opportunities are a privilege, not offered at all schools.  

When a pupil is on a school trip or visit, the pupil is representing the school and themselves. To ensure that these experiences are positive for all, pupils are required to follow our Trips Code of Conduct, school expectations and Behaviour Policy on all visits and trips. 

Pupils are required to:  

  • Follow the instructions of staff and supervising adults without delay or argument.  
  • Take responsibility for their actions and not do anything to endanger themselves or others.  
  • Report all accidents or damage to the group leader or a member of staff.  
  • Wear school uniform or other suitable clothing as directed by the visit organiser.  
  • Show respect and act with courtesy towards others, including the general public.  
  • Be helpful, co-operative and considerate to others, including the general public. 

Pupils must not: 

  • Smoke / vape  
  • Use inappropriate language.  
  • Leave their group and go off on their own.  
  • Take part in any activity, which has not been authorised by their parents or group leader.  
  • Drop litter or do anything that might damage the environment. 
  • Use their phones unless otherwise directed to. 

When using transport all pupils will:  

  • Stay seated and face forwards.  
  • Wear seat belts where provided.  
  • Follow instructions for the safe embarkation and disembarkation from the transport. 
  • Not eat or drink on the transport without the permission of the transport provider / trip leader. 
  • Clear any litter at the end of the journey. 

Behaviour on trips and activities:

Pupils may incur a sanction for any misbehaviour that: 

  • could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school trip 
  • poses a threat to another pupil or member of the public  
  • could adversely affect the reputation of the Academy.  


The school reserves the right to send home any pupil who does not comply with this Code of Conduct. 

Read more in our behaviour policy