
Good attendance at school is one of the most important factors in ensuring that children and young people have the best opportunities in life. Being in school gives children the best chance to learn, make friends and get the most from their education. Parents are legally required to make sure their children attend school regularly. This means your child must attend school on every day their school requires them to.

At Cromer Academy every pupil has an attendance target of 95-100%. The lower end of this target sounds high at 95%. However, whilst a 95% test score would be a fantastic achievement, when it comes to attendance it still means that your child has missed 54 lessons. This makes it very difficult to catch up and make the same academic progress as those who attend every day.

We have analysed attendance v attainment for our Year 11 pupils who left in the summer of 2023.  Pupils with an attendance figure of 95-100% achieved (on average) grade 5s and 6s in the GCSE exams. Those with an attendance lower than 95% achieved (on average) grade 3s and 4s. 

We will recognise those pupils who make a commitment ot their education. This could be in the form of draws for Amazon vouchers for those with higher and/or improving attendance, 100% attendance certificates and form competitions to earn treats such as breakfast and movie mornings.

Norfolk County Council guidance on attendance here

Just One Norfolk has advice to support you with your child's attendance Link here



Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy Annex